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Payment Options

Payment by Online Transfer:

You can transfer the required amount to the following UCO Bank account and upon transfer, just send us an email at support[a] yora.in ( Use Subject Line: "AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FOR YORA INFOSYSTEMS" ) informing us that you have transferred the amount for the product (mention product name).
Please note that when you transfer VIA net banking, in the comments section, write your email so that we can identify your order amongst many other orders.

Account Number: 15430210000458
Account Holder's Name: Yora Infosystems
Acount Type: Current Account
IFSC: UCBA0001543

Payment from your Local UCO Bank Branch:

If you have UCO bank branch in your city, just pay the required amount at Cash Counter, to our above mentioned UCO Bank Account.
Please note: You will need to add Rs.50/- towards UCO Bank cash deposit charges when you choose this payment option. Payment by Demand Draft , Money Order & Cheque

Cheque, Money Order or Demand Draft

You can send us a Cheque or Money Order or Demand Draft of the required amount in favor of "Yora Infosystems." and send it by registered post to :

Yora Infosystems
Rampur Bushahr,
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh 172001.
Contact: +91 98160 - 38491
Email : support [a] yora.in